"There is Harm in Not Talking About it." On The Power of Sharing Trauma Narratives. Literary Hub, January 19th, 2023
On Telling the Story of Injustice Through Memoir, Literary Hub, December 13th, 2021
If Rape is a Crime, Why Can’t the U.S. Tackle the Rape Kit Backlog? Ms Magazine, August 15, 2020
When Your Memoir has the Word ‘Rape’ in its Title. Literary Hub, Nov 16, 2020
Memoir as a Path to Powerful Truths – Interview by Taylor McNeil, Tufts Now, November 6th, 2020
After Rape, a Welcomed Return to Self, Psychology Today, November 6th, 2020
“Be Patient with the Process”: Interview by Kristen Paulson-Nguyen, Grub Street Blog September 2020
Learning to Trust my First Editor and Myself, Hippocampus, February 5, 2020
Essay in, The Anatomy of Silence Anthology, Red Press, 2018
The Surprise that Surprises No One, WordPeace, Summer/Fall 2018
The Writer as Eulogist, Brevity, July 18, 2018
Two essays in the book entitled We Rise to Resist: Voices from a New Era in Women’s Political Action, Dail and Wells Editors (McFarland 2018). Winner of Two International Book Awards for Anthology and Social Change Categories. Finalist for Women’s Issues. Received a starred review from Booklist.
The Boy in the Wallet, Issue 25, Gertrude Magazine, January 2018
Babelogue, Burningword Literary Journal, January, 2018, Nominated for Best of the Net Anthology 2018 and A Pushcart Prize
Should A Physician Comply with A Parent’s Demands for a Forensic Exam on a Sixteen-Year-Old Trauma Patient? The American Medical Association Journal of Ethics, January 2018
A Word With You, The Rumpus, December 12, 2017
Eventually You tell Your Kids, Oct 2017, Left Hooks Lit Journal, Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Why Donald Trumps Words Matter, October 11, 2016, New York Times
Awards – Honors
Fellow – The MacDowell Colony, Fall-Winter 2018
Fellow – Ragdale Artist Colony, Ragdale Foundation – 2018
Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund Award for Nonfiction – 2017
Grub Street Memoir Incubator, Boston, MA 2016-17
WCVB Channel 5 Boston Investigates New Rape Kit Law, May 2018
30 Years After Assault, Michelle Bowdler Discovered her Rapists’ DNA was Never Tested. MassLive, July 2017.
After Night of Terror and Years of Anguish, She Finds Meaning. Sunday Boston Globe Metro Front Page. Yvonne Abraham, March 2015